Brevard Public Schools logo Employee Discount Program

Mobile App

Installation Instructions

  • Launch Safari and open the discount program website.
  • Tap the arrow at the bottom of your screen.
  • A display box with open. Scroll down and select "Add to Home Screen".
  • The discount program name will automatically display with the discount program icon.
  • Click "Add" in the top right corner.
  • You should now see the discount program icon Brevard Public Schools Employee Discount Program Mobile App icon on the Home Screen.
  • Launch Chrome and open the discount program website.
  • Tap the menu button in the top right of your screen and select the "Install app" option.
  • It should prepopulate the app name "Discounts", otherwise enter a name for the app, then click "Install".
  • You should now see the discount program icon Brevard Public Schools Employee Discount Program Mobile App icon on the Home Screen.

Mobile App Form

If you need more assistance with the mobile app, please fill out the form below.
